Cookie Policy


To help improve this site we may place small data files, known as cookies, onto your computer, smartphone or other internet device. Cookies are used by most websites to help provide a better web experience.

Some cookies are essential and without them, the site may not function properly. These cookies are used for security and to remember your preferences, such as your login status on our member and library sites. These cookies can only be deleted via your browser settings.

We also use cookies to monitor how the site is used and to help deliver and evaluate the success of our promotional campaigns. These analytics and marketing cookies require your consent and will only be placed on your device if you opt in via our cookie banner. You can revoke your consent at any time.

ServiceCookie nameUsagePurpose
Cookie preferenceCookieControlEssentialThis cookie stores your cookie preferences. The information in the cookie tells us if you have previously consented or not to our use of optional cookies.
Site security and member preferences_CSRF prs intrasessn prospectlogin*EssentialThese cookies are used on the Prospect member and library websites to secure your session data and remember your logged in status if you access pages in the member area.
Google Analytics_ga* _gid _gatAnalytics MarketingThese cookies collect anonymised data that tells us how users reach the site and whether they have visited previously. They also provide aggregated statistics about page visits and activity. This information helps us evaluate our content. Data in these cookies is shared with Google. Prevent Google tracking.
Hotjar_hj*AnalyticsCookies with this prefix collect anonymised data that helps us better understand how users navigate the site. This information helps us plan usability improvements. Cookie data is shared with Hotjar. Tell Hotjar not to track you.
Facebook_fbpAnalytics MarketingFacebook cookies help to measure the effectiveness of paid Facebook marketing campaigns by connecting your website user behaviour to your Facebook ad click. The data in cookies is shared with Facebook. Opt out of Facebook tracking.
LinkedInlidc li_gc AnalyticsSynchHistory UserMatchHistory bcookie li_sugr ln_orAnalytics MarketingLinkedIn cookies help us analyse traffic that comes via the LinkedIn website to measure the performance of our LinkedIn posts. Manage LinkedIn Ads settings.
Twitteratt kdt ct0 auth_token personalization_id guest _id* twid twtr_pxel_opt_in d_prefs muc_adsAnalytics MarketingThe Twitter pixel is used to help us optimise adverts we serve on the Twitter platform. Cookies placed by Twitter also collect data to enable ads personalisation. Opt out of Twitter personalised ads.
Youtubeplay vuid _cf_bmEssential AnalyticsVideos on our website are hosted on our youtube channel. When you play a video these cookies collect anonymous data to tell us how often the video was played and for how long.

When you first visit this website you will be asked to set your cookie preferences. Your preference will be stored for 90 days from the date of your last visit. You may adjust your cookie preferences at any time via the link in the bottom-left of the screen.