Training, Connections & Community

For Freelancers In Scottish Film & TV Industry


Upcoming Training and events


Film and TV Training Courses


Supporting you on set

BECTU Vision Film and TV for freelancers

Bectu Vision, a non-profit organisation based in Scotland, is dedicated to empowering freelancers in the Scottish Film and TV industry through funded short courses, training and opportunities. 

At Bectu Vision, we are committed to fostering a vibrant and resilient Film and TV sector in Scotland to ensure its continued growth and prosperity. We collaborate with professionals across all career stages, from seasoned industry veterans to emerging talents and individuals such as electricians, marine workers and construction workers whose expertise, insights and skills enrich life on set.

BECTU Vision’s training courses are generously supported by Scottish Union Learning and offered free of charge to freelance film and television practitioners based in Scotland. Our core mission is to cultivate a safer, fairer, and more sustainable environment within Scottish film and television workplaces, all while nurturing a skilled and well-supported workforce.

Upcoming Events

Are You A freelancer in Scotland’s film and television?

Avail of free training, events and signposting to opportunities