am very fortunate to have taken part in the BECTU Vision Trainee Script Editor scheme. The scheme was an incredible opportunity to progress in my career and to be able to gain valuable experience that has prepared me for my future of working in the industry.
Throughout the placement, I was able to learn on the job, gaining real-life experience of script editing whilst being supported by training courses that perfectly complemented what I was learning on the job. Throughout the placement, I have been able to gain a well-rounded knowledge of working in development by working on projects at various stages on Synchronicity’s Development Slate.
Early in my placement, Synchronicity provided me with a day’s work experience at their distributor’s office – DRG. At DRG, after a session with their scripted acquisitions team, I was tasked with looking at scripts and TV series which we then discussed from a distributors point of view. This considered change format rights and how shows could sell to an international audience. This session opened my eyes to another side of the industry and allowed me to take what I learnt and apply it to the projects I was working on at Synchronicity.
Throughout my placement at Synchronicity, I was responsible for reading books and scripts that the company were interested in as possible projects. I would then write a report, giving my opinion on the material, thinking about possible writers for the project, what channel and slot the project could be a potential for and how it would fit onto our current development slate. To assist in learning what each broadcaster is looking for, I was able to sit in on meetings with broadcasters such as BBC, Amazon, and Sky. This allowed me to have direct knowledge of the type of shows each broadcaster is looking for and how our potential projects could fit into a slot with them.
I have been able to sit in on discussions with writers from general introductions and pitch meetings to early storylining discussions. To assist with the storylining meetings, I was also tasked with writing breakdowns of the books we were adapting. This helped us when we were beginning to plot out the story over the series as we could easily see the key story beats from the book and begin to map them out. It was a great experience to sit in on these discussions and see how the team worked together to begin shaping a series arc.
During the placement, I was able to progress when working on a new project in development as I was able to work closely with the new writer with guidance and support from Synchronicity. I was involved with the early stages of the project, creating a script schedule to ensure our writer was able to deliver drafts on target for the broadcaster. I was then able to meet with the writer and plot out the series and first episode with them. I would then give verbal and written feedback on the outlines and scripts to the writer with feedback given to me internally from the team, to ensure I was developing as a script editor. As we progressed, I was able to take more of a lead on the project and develop an episode over multiple drafts.
Alongside my experience at Synchronicity BECTU Vision provided additional support and courses. At the start of the placement, taking part in the Final Draft training session meant I was able to hit the ground running whilst using the software. It allowed me to complete tasks using the software with confidence, even from the early days of my placement. The John Yorke Story Course allowed me to begin thinking about scripts critically. This would become a key skill at my placement and allowed me to begin writing notes for writers in a practice environment with feedback, that I was then able to learn from and translate into my work. Through taking part in the placement, I am now much more comfortable being able to write notes and deliver them to writers in a constructive manner, aiding with the development of projects.
The Understanding Contracts session allowed me to be able to grasp a basic knowledge of business affairs which I know will stand me in good stead as I progress in my career and start working with writers’ agreements and option agreements. Meeting with guest speakers on Zoom was a great way to gain insight into career routes in the industry and it was brilliant networking for the future. It also allowed me to gain an insight into how writers-rooms work and where to look for new writers coming into the industry.
As a result of the traineeship, I plan to continue working as a Script Editor in Scotland. Scotland is at a very exciting time for Film and TV, and I hope to remain in the industry and progress as part of the ongoing growth and development of the Scottish industry. I am currently working as a Junior Script Editor with Synchronicity Films on a High-End Scottish production, and I would not have been able to take this step in my career without the placement and the continued support of BECTU Vision.